Thursday 18 May 2017

Big learning in small incident! Story of 10 rupees coin...

Just because the society will not accept, will you believe it to be true? Here's a funny incident that changed the perspective of life for me...

Let nobody stop you and your dreams...
Win World by Love...

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Why is this happening only to me ?

Sometimes when the going gets tough, you stare at the stars, cry out to an infinite power, wonder why life is getting tougher day by day and also questions in mind arise like why we’re going through what we’re going through…

Reasons can be many like death of a loved one, break-ups, financial struggle, hair loss, career struggle etc.  and even when there are lots of people around us, there is an enormous amount of loneliness that one goes through at these times...

It’s those situations of life where, ‘what you want most is what the universe doesn’t want to give you.

I started searching for answers,

Friend’s advises like, “Whatever happens, happens for good” started irritating me. Not that it wasn’t true but it wasn’t helping me in that situation.

I closed my eyes and I realized that for these questions of life, there actually isn’t any answer. 
If it’s meant to happen, it will happen. Previously when I had faced such situations, somehow time took me through these situations and now as well I know it will.

But when I went through these situations,

I got to know that there were some lessons that life taught me during these tough times. I also realized that I as a finite intelligence couldn’t comprehend the infinite intelligence and thus decided that I’ll not only go through life but I’ll grow through life through the experiences that God has planned for me.

Life prepares you for bigger things through tough times. Don’t only go through it, Grow through it. Stop questioning, Start acting positively according to the situations.

Win World by Love...

Sunday 9 April 2017

Cry for the right reasons

In our childhood, crying was a magical medicine to whatever pain we had..
Today, crying increases pain; The more we cry, the more pain it creates.
"Today's crying creates pain, Childhood's crying vanished pain."
-Cry for right reasons. Use the magic of tears to wipe off your pain and not to create pain. 

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Attachment is the root cause of suffering!

To a few of you who completely misinterpreted the statement of Buddha, “Attachment is the root cause of suffering”
Buddha mentioned attachment to ‘Desires’ is the root cause of suffering because not all desires can be fulfilled.
Attachment to results would screw up your process and that’s what even the Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad-Gita says. Krishna says, “Concentrate on the process of your work and not results (desires)”.
For God’s sake, please do not interpret this statement to relationships. 

Suppose your father, mother, loved one, sibling, guru and god weren’t attached to you, would you have even grown to this level?
Where are deep emotional bonding in relationships nowadays?
I know social media has made it easy for us to connect with many individuals but with how many have we had deep relationships with?
Let’s not lose out on having an emotional connect with at least living beings.
I know it hurts when the other person betrays you but you can make a difference by not betraying anyone’s trust in relationships.
Suppose if the person whom're you're attached to passes away, be proud of yourself for being there in his/her life till their death. They would have thanked God to have had you in their life.
Leave your social media,
Connect with individuals, Create happy loving deep memories with them, Love individuals hopelessly because they’re the ones who're going to be there with you always.
If someone’s betrayed your trust, you don’t betray anybody’s trust.
If you’ve gone through bad times because of a relationship, see to that no one goes through similar things because of you.
If one relationship hurts you, why do you want to lose trust on relationships itself? Be happy that few other relationships are going well in your life.
Love people, live with them,
The world is so beautiful.
Thank you for some individuals whom I have got attached to,
It’s because of you guys, I realised this truth.
Show the power of love to the world,

Friday 24 March 2017

Dear Advisors,

Yes, I know I have completed my education! I've a master's degree from a very reputed institute, mind you! Yet, I am not placed in any MNC as of now! It might surprise you! But, my decisions are like that! It can shock and surprise anyone! I'm not being arrogant, just that I'm confident! I want to explore more opportunities as I’m going to spend one third of my life with what I choose to do!

I totally understand your well-wishing concern for me. As a well wisher, you wanna see me ‘settle’ quickly in life! But, I'm in no hurry. Life isn't Olympics that we need to be high on preparation. Take it easy. Make it easy. Moreover, The word settle is too subtle.
Similarly, to me getting settled in life is not working for someone, but, getting settled is few hundreds of people working together with each other. The word settle has different meaning to different individuals and please respect it.

I don't need your unsolicited advice on my beautiful life. Did I give you an advice when you never asked for it? BE WISE, DON'T GIVE AN ADVICE!

What is the point of doing something which doesn’t allow me to express myself?
Why should I do something which doesn’t add any value to my life?
WORK helps in my total EXPRESSION. EXPRESSION leads to my total TRANSFORMATION.

I don’t mind if my work leaves me with messy hair, sleepless nights and hungry because at the end of my life, I should have no regrets that I lived my life waiting for weekends and not for weekdays.
Actually my work should put me across challenges and opportunities in order to fulfil my dreams and live the way I want. I believe that the biggest opportunity called ‘life’ shouldn’t be wasted to do mediocre things.
One day I’ll make all of you, my dear friends and well wishers, proud with my work. I know that a better job is always better than a better paying job. I believe in doing what I love.

- A frustrated Youth who had hundreds of people to advise him when he chose to go the other way!

 If your work is not letting you express yourself, it’s time to think!! Do what you Love and it never gives you time to hate.
Win World by Love 

Sunday 5 March 2017

A Relationship


“You are the best thing that happened to me. You’ll find a better girl than me” she said that popular filmy dialogue and hugged him for one last time. There came the all too familiar and monotonous break up!
He was devastated. He truly loved her and he could not believe that she was no more going to be a part of his life. Whenever she needed help, he was the first person to provide her all the required resources. His timely advices sometimes gave her back the lost confidence to not only live, but to live happily and meaningfully. He was her backbone and assisted her in overcoming all the challenges she faced. He was no less than a mentor to her. He went an extra mile to help her take up different tasks and convert them into significant opportunities that transformed her life from good to better.
The boy was no petty guy. He equally loved his dreams. Those dreams were realistic. He was capable of achieving them successfully. He dreamed of establishing an organization and employ 100s of people. He had plans to be a philanthropist and work towards the education of 1000s of youngsters.
But, do you know why she left him?
She says, “He is not yet settled”. She was also not happy with him for he was not spending adequate time with her.
He always wondered if love only meant spending time at coffee shops, talking to each other for hours a day, making love, Etc. Or was life all about getting a job in a company that offers a fat and handsome salary? It was a cake walk for him to crack those interviews which eventually offered fat-salaried jobs and also irritating managers. But, he desired to own an organisation where he offered salaries to people and build their life.
Thus, our hero, just walked by slowly once she left!
He had decided not to ever lead an ordinary life with her. He forever thought she had to be one person who deserves all his love. He cherished the idea of her being his pillar of strength. But, not anymore! Dreams are meant to end, so are the modern day love stories. He took out his cell phone and immediately typed this and sent to her –
“I will feel very lonely as you aren’t with me anymore. I shared every dream of mine with you because I believed you. I thought you are capable of standing by my side in the most difficult times of my life. I pushed you to pursue your dreams too. I never made you to let go off the best opportunities you came across.
Well, well, I’ll continue to pursue my dreams! You might have let me down, but I will not let my dreams down!
After you, there might be girls who'll come and go in my life but as and when there'll be a moment when a girl will come and not go out of my life, I'll gift her not only myself but all the luxuries of life with lots of love.
You know why?
I know I'll be the best version of me when I'm with her and she'll be the best version of her when she's with me in every situation we come across because I believe that a relationship is all about two people bringing out the best out of each other. Thank you!"

PS: Let relationships get the best out of you.
Win World by Love.