Saturday 26 December 2015

Wishing you Happy and a Glorious 2016

It’ll be 2016 after a few days, how quickly time passes know?” said my friend as he put his hand on my shoulder. In the flow of that conversation I said yes and continued talking. When I came back home, I realised that how can year by year pass so quickly? Every year has 365 days and each day has 24 hours. Still why many of us think time flies? This thought was lingered in my mind. Just then I came across a very good friend of mine who hated her job but was over burdened with a lot of work. I asked what her new year’s plans was, and she said she had to work. Suddenly I realised that, Many of us think time flies because we always keep waiting what next would happen but fail to enjoy that particular moment. We fail to enjoy the smallest moments because of our day to day stress, tension, worries and busy schedule. How long has it been since you have enjoyed your morning coffee? How long has it been since you enjoyed a sunrise? How long has it been since you gazed at the stars in dark nights. There is so much of beauty around us and we have failed to have “Pause moments” in our busy life today. Pause moments are the moments when you lose yourself enjoying something really good. I wish everyone is filled with a lot of Pause moments in this upcoming year. Let’s try something new, visit new places, dance to the latest beats and take a pledge to enjoy every moment in the upcoming year 2016. Relax, Live, Love and Celebrate every moment of life. Finally WinWorldbyLove.

Saturday 5 December 2015

Destroy your enemies today!

President Lincoln while addressing a gathering was speaking something very good about people who wanted to put him down.
A journalist then asked,"Mr President, why do you speak so much good about your enemies? Shouldn't you be destroying them instead?

Lincoln answered, "Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?"

Lets not destroy our enemies, Let's destroy the feeling of enmity with the tool called LOVE!
Come join hands to build a better world filled with Love and Happiness.
Let's not be a generation that just goes by as time flies, 
Instead Let's be the generation to make an impact to the society. 

Win World by Love

Saturday 17 October 2015

Life is all about Recreating Yourself.!

I thought about conveying today's post through this video. Watch this alone for more effectiveness. Share this video for more people to recreate themselves. Let the change begin with you! Recreate Yourself! 'Let's together make this world a beautiful place.

Win World by Love

Sunday 20 September 2015

Who actually is your best friend?

As soon as you read this title, I'm sure you'll be thinking about one or two people as to who your best friend is. But No, I here am talking about the best friend who was with you all these years since your birth.

There was once a priest in a town who always used to address and advice the problems and needs of the people in the town. On a particular day when the priest was walking back home after his session of addressing the problems of people, a little girl stopped him on the way to ask him a question.
The priest for a moment thought of asking the girl to come and meet him next day morning as he was very tired but seeing the innocence on the girl’s face he thought he will answer the girl and took the girl to a place where they could sit. When the priest asked what the girl wanted to know, the girl asked, “You give solutions to many people when they face problems, many people today are free from their problems and are happy. I want to know what you do when you face problems. Do you go to anyone? ” 

The priest was shocked to know that such a small girl was asking such a big question that no one ever had asked the priest. The priest smiled and said, “I go to my best friend when I face problems!”

“Oh! You have a best friend? Who is he/she?” the girl asked curiously.

The priest held his hand over the girl’s head and told, “Very often, we support people around us with various solutions to their problems but when we analyse this process properly we never realise we have solution within us. But the problem is many people fail to recognise that when they can be a solution provider for others, they also can be a solution provider for themselves.”

This is so exciting! How does this go?
You got to become your best friend for it. When you have time for others, why don’t you have time for yourself? Spend atleast 10 minutes a day with yourself. Start analysing your day to day activities and you’ll live your life then not as a ‘Problem finder’ but as a ‘Solution giver’. I have to leave now, I’ll meet you sometime later as a great person. Win World by Love” he wished and left.

Very often we give advises and support people around us with various solutions to their problems but when we face problems we don't know what to do and we consult others for solutions. Ever wondered why that happens? 
We get to spend so much time with others and eventually end up not spending time with ourselves. 
Just spend atleast 10 minutes a day with yourself from today and start analyzing your day to day activities. Become your own best friend, find solutions to your problems and you'll start living a happy loving life. 


Sunday 2 August 2015

Friend! A Cosmic Gift and Responsibility!

Some chemistry in the cosmic presence makes you meet a few people and you’ll no longer feel alone. This chemistry with a person makes you learn, succeed, grow, fight, fall, etc. and it is known as friendship. A friend is a cosmic gift to one's life who contributes in many ways and gives us experiences(Good or Bad) to carry for a lifetime!
Friendship might have many definitions and meanings but what it means to you differs from what it means to me. Always remember,
“Friendship is a responsibility and it’s a relationship that is not limited with any boundaries.”

This post is not to write about friendship because friendship day must not be restricted to one day as it's an everyday celebration. 
The reason I wrote this post is to ask you to take a few minutes to close your eyes and remember all your friends who were with you from childhood till this day. I’m sure a smile is going to blossom from your heart during this process.

On this friendship day, Can you talk to that one friend who was very close to you but now you don’t talk to him/her because of ego? This requires a lot of courage to be done but try doing this and I’m sure things will not be the same. I did mine, it’s time for you to talk to him/her.

Finally I take this opportunity to thank every friend of mine for everything and I dedicate this post to all of you carrying a responsibility of friendship;
Loving you all so much,


Sunday 19 July 2015

It's time to make your Day, A Great Day!

It was time for the principal to announce the best teacher award in the school assembly that day and most of the students almost knew whom the award belonged to. “The Best Teacher award for this year goes to Amuka” announced the principal and there was a loud cheer from the students standing in the assembly.
Amuka always used to divide his class into two halves. The first part would be to teach the subject and the second part was telling short stories which had morals in it which led to the overall development of the children. The principal called Amuka on stage to speak a few words,
Amuka walked on stage and paused for a minute standing in front of the mic. The assembly was quiet and wanted to hear to him. “Can we learn something today itself sir?” asked the principle mockingly!
Amuka smiled, took a deep breath and continued, “I wish every one of you a Great morning! (There was a huge round of applause) Very often and very mechanically we wish people a Good Morning, a Good afternoon or a Good evening for which people also wish back without even knowing why we wish. When we wish a person Good Morning, it means that I wish your morning be good. We mechanically have developed a habit of wishing a person since our childhood, why can’t we improvise in we wishing people? 
Everything in the world has evolved today like your phones, computers, automobiles etc. except the way we wish people. It’s time to evolve and that’s the reason I’ve updated my GM from Good Morning to Great Morning. Let us start this practice from today and actually start wishing people the best. Try experiencing this from today and indulge in the process of wishing people the best and enjoy the feel of you getting wished back with similar best wishes. Today is a day that'll never come again for you and me, Make it a great one! Thank you one and all
There was a big round of applause after he spoke and later the principle thanked him for talking something that could make an impact to the entire school as well as the society. “Wishing you all a GREAT MORNING and I wish you have a Great day ahead”, wished the principal and concluded the assembly.

Watch people getting into office, school or college in the morning hours, everyone keeps saying “Good morning”. Most of them just do it mechanically and they don’t even notice the person they wished.  It’s time to evolve and update our Good to Great/Happy/Best. Any how we wish people every day, why not we wish them the best? See the change in the environment around you once you start this process. Remember, Today is a day that'll never come again for you, therefore make it a Great one! 

I wish you a GREAT DAY! Lastly, WIN WORLD BY LOVE.

Sunday 28 June 2015

Smile or Smiley?

“You’ve forgotten to smile since the usage of smiley began. Laughing now has become LOL, ROFL and LMAO. You aren’t able to have lunch/dinner without using a smart phone. When was the last that you spoke to your beloved ones without having a mobile in our hand? Is technology taking over humanity so much?” A frustrated grandfather wrote this before his death.

Aren’t we becoming DUMB with the use of SMART phones? Is our relation with the smart phone important than our relation with others? Think!!
Let us not allow the above incident to happen in our lives. Let any relation not feel that we give importance to our mobile phones than them. It’s time to give a break to our thumbs and give some work to our brains.

Let’s start smiling than using a Smiley;
And begin actual laughing than using LOL, ROFL etc.
We shall spend quality time with our family and friends,
And see to that these relationships never ends.
Be SMARTER than the Smart phones,
And then see how your World Glows!


Sunday 21 June 2015

Who are you Father!

It was a Sunday and it was the day when Nikhil and Meera were taken to their grandmother’s place. Nikhil and Meera were twins and they used to visit their grandmother almost 4 times a month. Their grandmother loved spending time with these kids playing with them, feeding them lunch, watching movies and finally the last part which these kids loved the most which was sleeping on granny's lap and listening to stories which was one of the main reason for them to visit her so often. 
These stories not only made them sleep but also it helped them gain a lot of maturity.

Nikhil and Meera were upset on a particular day when they were yelled by their father and eventually the decent kids complained this to their grandmother and their grandmother just smiled for once and said “Its fine! We shall take care of him later.” The kids as usual forgot everything and were in their own world playing and later came to get the lunch fed by their grandmother. 

After feeding them lunch, the grandmother gently made both the kids sleep on her lap and told,
“There was once a man who never looked for praises, who was not the one who used to boast about himself, he always used to quietly go for work and he always used to see to that his family never suffered what he suffered. He was the happiest man when his children were born and he saw to that he gave everything to them. He was ready to do anything when they had health issues but he was a man with lot of ego to express his love towards his children and family.
Once he was facing a lot of trouble at the place of his work but he never shared it with his family members as he didn’t want to disturb their peace of mind with his head ache. This disturbance went on for a long period where he couldn’t outburst anything to his boss but one day he came home and outburst in front of his children, whom he had the freedom to express. His children thought that their father didn’t love them any longer for this incident and his children were upset.”

There was a long pause after she completed telling about this person. The children were misty eyed and didn’t know what to do.
The grandmother continued, “Dear children, don’t make it too late to forgive your first hero of your life! Sometimes you don’t even know what he’s going through; if he yells at you for no reason, it means that he’s expressing to you what he couldn’t express to others. When this happens, just hug him and say I understand. Don’t let small misunderstandings become large disappointments.”

When the children returned back home in the evening, they hugged their father and said, “Paa, Thank you! In every way you’ve seen to that our lives is better than yours. Love you.”
Their father was shocked and hugged back his children and drops of tears rolled down the cheek of the father!

In our adolescent years, whenever we get shouted at by our father we feel he doesn’t love us anymore. Fathers are egoistic compared to mothers in expression of love. Day and night he selflessly works for the people whom he loves the most. Most of us fail to express our fathers the way we love him when he’s alive. Take an opportunity in expressing him your love today. In case he isn’t anymore, take a moment in closing your eyes and say “Thank you”!


Thursday 4 June 2015

Inspiration to many- Women

Graduation! It's a day where students wait eagerly during the beginning of a year and a day which they don’t want to come during their final year.  It is a day where maximum of photo sessions are seen like it does during a marriage. It is an emotional day where you don’t want to let go off your memories with your friends, teachers and the campus.
Erika, who was a graduate that day was beautifully dressed in a saree. She had a smile which radiated through her eyes to the people indicating the joy of graduating and her smile also radiated a vision which was within her to achieve big in life with flying colours.
Erika was very different compared to other girls of her age, she was a happy girl and was matured enough to handle things. “Happy girls are the prettiest” she used to say and move around where people surrounding Erika would be happy seeing her happiness. It was a lesson for other girls to know that happy girls attracted the most to people than any other prettier girls. Erika’s maturity and her character made her have a lot of friends. She was the college topper for that year and she was a few moments away from receiving the felicitation from the principal.
All of us would feel the same on graduation day, that the time period in college passed very quickly and so was the case of everyone in her college.
Erika, before receiving the certificate of graduation from the principal wanted to meet a person who was solely responsible for her to be the way she was. The anxiety of meeting him for one last time made Erika fear and slowly started walking towards the staff room where Vijay used to sit. Vijay was busy posing for pictures with his students.
“Ah! There you are” said the master happily to Erika. They both shared a very good chemistry in the college of a student and a teacher and Vijay had helped Erika a lot in her personality development. One of the statement that Vijay had taught her was ‘’Happy Girls are the prettiest’’ which made Erika be a happy person.
“”I’m going to miss you so much” said Erika to Vijay where tears were about to roll down her cheeks. Vijay casually held his hand over her head and said, “I surely will miss you too my dear.”
Then Vijay congratulated Erika for her performance in academics and Erika just wished she could’ve received the certificate from the person who mattered the most in the college, Vijay. Vijay wanted to tell Erika what always kept him worried at the back of his mind when he used to think about women today.
In this society, we always find a girl who tops in school, we always find a girl who tops in her exam during college days but where is her performance as she starts getting older? This always used to worry Vijay regarding his female students. Their contribution to the society is not appreciated and the perception about women doing something for themselves should be changed. They too have dreams, they should be allowed to fulfill them and do something big without having to compromise. Vijay advised Erika regarding this and finally their talk was over when Vijay wished Erika to make it big in life to her maximum capable potential. Erika gently smiled and thanked her master who was her inspiration. Their conversation ended with a smile and finally the master had some expectation of women too achieving the way he dreamt of.

“I’ll not compromise for anything sir, the days of me reaching the top are soon to come’’.  I will do it, I will do it, she said to herself and moved to the auditorium to get felicitated with her degree. 

Dear women, do not compromise on your dream for anything. Your potential is being appreciated during your younger days, continue to make a difference as you grow old. Finally WIN WORLD BY LOVE.  

Sunday 24 May 2015

Let's not make this an Activity; Lets turn this into Productivity.

I would like to thank each and everyone of you for the appreciation and the tremendous response I got for my first post which meant like scoring a goal in the very first minute of a football game, having said that I also know that any game is not over till the very end. For all the response and the appreciation that I've got, I would like to promise you that the quality of my posts from now on will keep getting better. A motivation and an encouragement always to a cause is when the posts are being shared so that some of these are at least put into use by somebody in their life and this can only happen when it reaches to many people.
Collection of many droplets can form an ocean, Let's share and together march to build a new world for us and for our future generation.
 As the title says,
Let's not make this an activity of reading or writing, 
Let's make this productive by implementing to situations of daily life and spreading it.


We can only give to the society what we have, for example a person having a lot of money can give money, a person having cloths can give cloths and a place having a resource can give out it's resource (for example Dubai giving out fossil fuels). When it comes to the question of what we can give out to the society, we need to know that God has created us with so much of love and creativity that there was not a single person born like the other in the entire history of humanity and there will not be any person same as the other. This alone is enough for us to understand how much love we are made up with that we're none like the rest. From this can we conclude that the greatest resource which was flowing abundantly within us was Love.

"There is no limit as to how many people a person can love or how much a person can love the other! "

So can we start giving out love to the other people since there is no limit as to how many you can love? The more love you give to others, the more it flows within us and we saw this through a lady who served humanity with so much of love flowing within her who was named Mother Teresa.  

From now on, I would like to convey my messages through stories which I've always loved to express messages. These messages or stories would not be from any book or from any persons, these would be just mere truths that I would like to express by looking at the observations of life.

To paint smiles across grieving hearts, 
I begin my journey penning down my thoughts;
Stories are the one I've loved since my childhood,
Through them I shall promise you
A happily loving world.
Lets put our hands together
And Win World by Love!

Thank you all,
Love you so much,
Stay tuned.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Introduction to me and my intention behind starting this blog.

I’m Ruthuparna Sharma, well I think this much introduction is enough and you can get to know more about me once you start following my posts in my blog. At least by this way of getting to know about me, I wish you read more posts of mine.
Well, I’m very much passionate of being a businessman just because of the desire of making a mark in life. I would not like to be anybody in this opportunity of life and I want to make a mark and be “somebody” in this life.
We've seen many successful and famous people who've made it big in the world today because of a discomfort which caused within them through a situation, like how Gandhi being ill-treated in a railway platform in South Africa had an impact of he coming to India and turning things around which he did for this country. Like this many situations can be quoted but one thing common in all these situations were that any great impact only came out of a discomfort caused in the mind through situations.
In my case I found discomfort in many such situations. Don’t know whether I was normal or anything had happened to me because we know that one situation only is capable enough of making a history but many such situations caused a mystery on myself. For example there was a discomfort in me in learning a subject in my schooling, the people being not treated well etc etc etc
The situations that caused a discomfort within me had nothing in common but I can tell that i found out a tool that could be used to solve these problems and it can be used anywhere and many more problems in this world can be easily solved.  I thought I could be the next Gandhi to this world for a moment when I thought about this tool and went and advised around 3 to 4 friends saying you can solve these problems by the tool and motivated them but was of no use and got advised in return from them. It was a failure from 3 to 4 of my friends whom I failed to explain this to them, so I thought maybe I’m not right and this tool might only be of use and help to me. To be honest there was a call within me which said this was very much possible.

For this reason I've come opened my own blog. Just imagine a happier, loving and a world that you dream of where there is no fear to live properly. If 3 or 4 failed to understand, I'm pretty sure each and everyone will eventually understand the importance of it.
Well I'm pretty sure that you guys would've got to know about the "tool" i was talking by seeing the title. Yes, i was talking about the most powerful tool that is hidden within us or which we haven't yet realised it properly. I was talking about LOVE. Well I feel I need not give any introduction to this topic as we all know what it is, how it is and everything. I'm just here to make you gradually realize how we can use it to build a better world. How to use it? Is a new world filled with love, happiness, bliss, joy possible? 
Yes, Obviously it is possible.

Many more posts to come, will keep updating one by one. 
Love you all.