Sunday 2 August 2015

Friend! A Cosmic Gift and Responsibility!

Some chemistry in the cosmic presence makes you meet a few people and you’ll no longer feel alone. This chemistry with a person makes you learn, succeed, grow, fight, fall, etc. and it is known as friendship. A friend is a cosmic gift to one's life who contributes in many ways and gives us experiences(Good or Bad) to carry for a lifetime!
Friendship might have many definitions and meanings but what it means to you differs from what it means to me. Always remember,
“Friendship is a responsibility and it’s a relationship that is not limited with any boundaries.”

This post is not to write about friendship because friendship day must not be restricted to one day as it's an everyday celebration. 
The reason I wrote this post is to ask you to take a few minutes to close your eyes and remember all your friends who were with you from childhood till this day. I’m sure a smile is going to blossom from your heart during this process.

On this friendship day, Can you talk to that one friend who was very close to you but now you don’t talk to him/her because of ego? This requires a lot of courage to be done but try doing this and I’m sure things will not be the same. I did mine, it’s time for you to talk to him/her.

Finally I take this opportunity to thank every friend of mine for everything and I dedicate this post to all of you carrying a responsibility of friendship;
Loving you all so much,